Thursday, April 17, 2008

hanya kawan

after so many years and so many missing appointments, out of the blue we managed to have lunch today.

the conversation we had was kinda surreal. despite the long absence, we didn't go the pick-up-where-we-left way, but more of a casual this-is-me-today-and-what-about-you.

i showed him pictures and video clips of my nephew. he showed me the ones of his kids. they're so cute. he told me about managing his staff workpay, and i told him about not understanding what power factor really is.

when we parted, i told him to send my regards to the wife.

-"she'd be angry if she knows i saw you. if she asks, i'll just tell her i had lunch with a friend"

+ "tell her not to worry, there's no competition. i'm not competing"

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