Friday, December 26, 2008

penulis kecewa itu berkata

fadz said...


Tiada bintang
Dapat menerangkan hati yang telah dicelah
Bagaiku lumpuh tak mampu berdiri
Aku tetap begini
Takkan berubah kerna aku tetap aku
Dan lalu rindumu bukanlah aku

Alahai fadz. I know you'll bounce back.

Bukan hanya rinduku
Tapi mereka juga
Dan yang terutama
Rindumu sendiri
Getarmu di jiwa
Perlumu seada
Pada huruf
Pada suara
Pada cerita
Dan sorot mata perhatian kami.

Wah, see what he made me do! Ted sudah jadi puitis!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Fadz kata dia nak berenti menulis setelah kerampokan laptopnya. Ala!!!

Aku harap ia hanyalah proses berkabung sahaja dan dia akan terus menulis. Dan walaupun aku dah berjanji ikrar nak tulis review aku tentang Selamat Pagi Cinta, masih belum ditunaikan.

Semalam ke PC Fair di JB. Tak rancang nak pegi pun, tapi alang-alang dah sebelah hotel ni aje, apa lagi. Why not. Hoh, atom PCs are SO in right now. Am so tempted to get one. No, scrap that. WILL be getting one, just haven't decided which one yet. Most probably the BenQ Joybook Lite. 160GB internal HDD itu penting di samping rupa komestik yang menawan dan faktor coolnessorang-lain-kat-ofis-belum-pakai-yang-itu. PC Acer tu dah ramai sangat yg guna. Anyways as starters, beli pendrive 8GB dulu haha.

Melihat haiwan liar di habitatnya dengan menaiki tram di waktu malam sungguh menyeronokkan. Diselang-seli gurauan nak menolak rakan sekongkol ke luar - "Tiger's place or lion's den, take your pick!". Dalam hati kekaguman yang amat terhadap ciptaan Tuhan. Indah dan takjub. Pertama kali menyaksikan Hyena berbelang dan makhluk sebenar yang disensasikan sebagai Anubis. Tapir memakan daun dua meter dari tram kami.

Hari ini masih diisytihar hari untuk bermalasan. Kem gembira dapat tidur dengan cukup malam tadi. Mungkin aku tak berdengkur sangat haha kali ni. One of these days must try that nose-strip that Eizlan Yusof is peddling on TV.

Cumanya Puteri Pacific JB ni kekurangan seterika sangat, aku rasa tak selayaknya dengan harga yang dibayar dan taraf bilik yang ada unlimited broadband connection dan complimntary mini bar. Boleh tak turun breakfast dgn tudung tak gosok?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

rasa hari ini


in case you haven't realized it yet, i'm leaving you.

i'm sure you've noticed the signs. but you didn't do much or showed you really care anyway. i guess you knew there was not much use to it. i was never really yours to begin with, was i? so i guess it's ok.

i doubt you will miss me that much. sometimes, maybe, but not much. and it'll only be in the beginning. after awhile, i'll just be 'that girl who used to be'.

when i see yet again today how you ..........., i bow down. what's the use.

there's not much love lost in this case, i suppose.

as usual - it's not really you, it's me.


Saturday, December 06, 2008

sakit kepala

(massages back of head)
"Ouch, I've got a headache. I don't know why."

Do I look like a psychic doctor, dude?
Go see a real doc at the clinic.

The most I could do is only give you a painkiller, if I got one. That's all.


Things are changing, again. I have to learn to adapt to the new surrounding.
Human beings are such resilient creatures.


We're having a pot luck with baby Iman soon, yeay!!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

to azlina and jim, post their 30th and 40th birthday celebration

..respectively, not at the same time, of course hehe.

i just realized there were many similarities regarding my friendship with these two -

both were born in November - 10 years apart, plus several days. one a sagittarian, the other a scorpio.

my first contact with them weren't in person but through phonecalls and the world wide web - one thru email, the other thru the comments box of a blog. and at the first time that i met each of them, of course i never thought our friendships are gonna grow into what it is today.

both has shoulders i've cried on - one literally, the other figuratively (ye la yang sorang tu tak muhrim, mana boley).

both has given me some hard advice, with harsh words to face the reality of the world.

both prefer to be on their own momentarily during bouts of personal crisis, but just as soon will come back with a vengeance and lash out with great force after they've licked their wounds - better not be in their way!

both are more comfortable to complain and whine in English, somehow.

both love good food (haha well who doesnt?) and doesnt mind spending and splurging for the satisfaction of some yummy grub.

both, i love dearly, as great friends go.

semoga dimurahkan rezeki, panjang umur dan dikurniakan kesihatan hendaknya oleh Allah buat sahabat-sahabatku ini.
