Wednesday, June 28, 2006

blast from the past

Did you watch this back in the 90s?

('Moero Attack' opening theme)

Summersault berkembar!!

(of course at that time I thought it was 'somersot bekembar!')

Friday, June 23, 2006


Salam takziah to Nz for the loss of his father. May Allah bless his soul, and I hope the family is coping well. Amin.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Best giler ah!

A gazillion thanks to B, for prompting me to finally make the trip, and another gazillion thanks to Reno (the perfect host) and her family.

Four hours before the flight back:

"Reno, satu lagi belum. Aku mau lihat rumah Ahmad Dhani lah, sempat nggak?"
"Boleh... tapi nanti kita lambat sampai ke rumah, bilang ama Mama kita macet, okay?"


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Leavin' on a jet plane


7 hours and counting

Macam uncle John Denver kata..
"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.."

Photo credit

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Sambil menonton tayangan Kelab Wayang Gambar di Astro Ria (1. Zul Huzaimy macam comel dalam cerita ini, hah I wish we had a teacher or a club like that when I was at school; 2. Apa ada dengan kopi dalam cerita ini?), aku terkenang hari-hari lepas yang menyeronokkan.

Bermula dengan kejayaan hari Rabu membelikan laser pointer untuk Papito (berapa kedai aku masuk nak cari benda alah tu, tak senang nak jumpa rupanya), dinner di Rahsia bersama B, Datin S dan suami disambung dengan sesi karaoke (oh... it's THAT song); selesai buat pasport baru (no. ke-62 untuk hari berkenaan, jam 10 pagi dah siap), menonton X3 dan jumpa bebudak Tsc pada hari Khamis; dan akhirnya berjalan-jalan di Bukit Tinggi, meniup buih sabun di bangunan menara Colmar Tropical bersama Sister dan Mamita hari ini.

Aku tak sangka kami akan meniup buih sabun di tengah-tengah keramaian itu. Kami gelakkan dewasa-dewasa lain yang rasa terkongkong dengan inhibitions mereka, aku yakin mereka juga teringin sebenarnya, hahaha. Seronok mengembalikan nostalgia zaman kanak-kanak yang itu, dulu seingat aku botol sabun dan peniup dia warna merah tapi hari ini warnanya kuning. We perfected the art of blowing bubbles -

The trick :
1. Bubble wand should be about 4 inches from your mouth, not too near
2. Blow air as directly as you could into the wand circle. Pucker up as small as possible
3. But don't blow too hard, rather try to keep the 'blow duration' as long as possible

By the way, ada sesiapa mempunyai Cinema Paradiso yang boleh dipinjamkan?

Photo credit :"Blowing Bubbles"

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

cerita pendek

(Dalam Kereta)

+ (tiba-tiba) Eh, hari ni hari Jumaat la!

- Huh? Kenapa? Macam mana kau tau hari ni hari Jumaat?

+ Takdela, saja je. Semalam kan hari Khamis. Cikgu aku sekolah rendah dulu memang dah ajar, lepas hari Khamis, hari Jumaat lah.

- Cis!


: Apa ucapan nak bubuh kat kad birthday waiem? Sila SMS segera.

+ Sempat lagi ke? Semuga waiem murah rejeki dan hepi selalu, pis2 kacang kuda. Buleh ke?

: Sempat. Eh part buleh ke? tu nak masuk ucapan jugak?

+ Tak la..

(Di Pejabat)

* Eh, korang, buat apa? Kerja ke?

+ Taklah, main-main, memang saja suka duduk-duduk kat sini.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

third time ain't no charm...

... when we're talking about asthma attacks.

Last Thursday, the moment I felt the wheezes really coming through was when I found myself panting from the short walk to the hotel room in Mersing and thought "uh oh I can just see where this might be heading to". Course at first I thought it's just due to exhaustion from the day trip, but it just got worse and worse and finally at B's insistence ("Your wheezing and coughing is scaring the shit out of me la") I went into a pharmacy (clinics in Mersing closed already at 9pm, somehow) and asked for anything OTC.

"Inhaler, or pills?"

(Whoa, I didn't even know there's OTC pills for that. Told ya, it's been a while)
"Erm, pills please"

"How's your heartbeat? I gotta know that to give out OTC asthma medication"

(Huh? You think I'll admit something else is not right with me issit. They don't call me Ted the Iron Lady for nothing kay!)
"Dunno la. As usual, I suppose?"

"If it's too fast I couldn't give you the strong stuff"


"Would you mind if I check your blood pressure first?"

"Uhm.. okay"

Oh his name is Nik Mansur teehee

"81. That's kinda fast. I can only give you Volmax, not the other one"

"Whatever long as I'll get to sleep tonight"


Three times, this year alone (and it's only June), when previously there'd be perhaps only one attack a year since the days I left school.

I could blame it all on the air-conditioning, but with the way things have been going on recently I'm beginning to realize it might be rather something else. And that something else, could well be the s-t-r-e-s-s.

Yes, despite the fact that I had a very enjoyable companion (as B said, you're together with someone for more than 6 hours and bam! you get to know all those weird things about them), that niggling thought of the work I left behind and some other stuff is still at the back of my mind most of the time. Again, the Mersing stint is a work-related trip. In fact, in the last 10 days I've been on work-related trips to Pahang (then back), Kedah (then back) and finally Johor, with one- or two-day space in between before the next.

Big Boss has been telling me it's too much and chided me for the scheduling, but it's too late as everything's been set by then. And bla-bla-bla-bla. I didn't realize I actually had a choice, ya'know?

Ah well. We'll see how things go later. There's still about four tonnes of stuff I'm trying to get through before my Jakarta holiday with B comes up mid-June. I'll try taking it easy till then, if such a thing is possible.

In the meantime, better keep the Volmax tabs handy, I suppose.