Thursday, July 26, 2007

but of course I'm..

...reading the latest Harry Portetts now (tq Elf!)

AND I'm gonna go..

watch this later!


Note to self :

1. ERL transit leaves KLIA every 22nd and 52nd minutes past the hour.

2. For Putrajaya station, every 20th and 50th minutes


Notes on life :

1. Don't check every 25 minutes to see if it still got a pulse. It's dead, k. Dead.

2. Yay (!) me for refraining from doing something related to above yesterday, finally!

3. Yay (!!) me for still being happy and making things move at the office.

4. Yay (!!!) me for going on that holiday! But eurgh(!) me for bringing some workstuff along, and yay me again for not touching it.

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